Web Form Design, Luke W.

May 26, 2009

Luke W.s deep dive book on web form design tradeoffs and best practices

Luke W.'s deep dive book on web form design tradeoffs and best practices

Just finished reading through Luke W.’s great resource on web form design, Web Form Design: Filling in the Blanks.

It’s a great overview, deep dive, and a must read for any UX/Web DesignerFront End Developer who’s interested in serving the user and building in quality efficiencies into a web form experience.

I loved the thoroughness, questions, and “Best Practices” takeaways at the end of each chapter. Allowing the reader to walk through the pros and cons and end up with a usable checklist to consider with most design tradeoffs.

A great primer I use with my UX Design class is his quick overview of top, left, right aligned form labels Web Application Form Design UIE article. And a presentation overview for a deeper view.

A good read and one I hope has seeped into my general UX design practices – even if I have to grab it off the shelf here and there 🙂 [Bonus is the PDF digital version from Rosenfield – great resources and model!]

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