Components, Patterns, and Frameworks! Oh My!

May 20, 2009

Jared’s thoughts on Patterns and Frameworks.

Components, Patterns, and Frameworks! Oh My!

He gives a good overview of the use and value, particularly for smaller teams, to establish libraries of interface patterns, components for reusable code, and frameworks.

Setting the foundation of a solution on previous uses allows the designer/team to then customize and to focus on establishing a unique, expanded user experience for their user context.

“Once built out, the libraries can become a powerful resource for the team. They can inform the design process, speed delivery, and make good design the path of least resistance.”

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One Comment

  1. Mike says:

    He’s a lifesaver in a sea of designers who are still enamored with design. Ok, I’ll admit, I’m a design-ie, but I’m also not interested in re-inventing the wheel with each new project. Good stuff.