“Siftables” with David Merrill on TED

February 17, 2009

Quick, tangible interactions

Quick, tangible interactions

Very interesting take on “naturally” gestural, interactive objects. Mini tabletop surface like interaction but with mini blocks with LCD screens.

Simple and intuitive, but intricate enough for complex uses and interactions. Pretty sweet stuff – wouldn’t want my two year old throwing my $50 (???)  Siftable block across the room though 🙂

I like the idea of this small portable interactive use on a tabletop – more so than having the huge Surface Table stuck somewhere – this feels more everyman obtainable, transportable, and usable in more ways.

…clear educational uses…

…the next gen Pokemon trading “blocks” game for wealthy kids…

…rave/club token for interactive music influence from dancers movement/proximity/choices…

…conference giveaway for interaction game/networking tool…

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